Sunday, February 24, 2013

EAT: Effort. Attitude. Tempo.

Every week I give you guys workouts and diets, truth is I have no clue who reads these blogs and ignore them or how many people actually choose to take on the challenge I present. My goal and purpose of giving workouts and diets is not for my personal gain but to help others help themselves. No one can make you a better you that is a challenge that you have to take on with something to prove to yourself, because happiness and success is simply what you consider it to be. Accepting the challenge is the really big because that is the point when you actually accept that you are no longer happy with your weight and unhealthy habits, from that point on it's all about pushing through the pain because it wont be easy. Life is what you make it! This one life that we all are given is all about decisions which can make ultimately make the difference between winning and losing; success and failure. Workouts and diets not only help us to be healthier but they also increase our work ethic and self control, this can help at jobs in the future or anything that requires you to follow instructions with a goal to accomplish at the end. The main thing I want people that follow my blogs to remember, is never lose sight of your goals and aspirations, no matter what trials and tribulations your faced with; always finish better then you started.

Monday: Baked salmon, steamed brown rice, and mandarin oranges
Tuesday: Taco salad w/ Catalina and apple slices
Wednesday: steamed chicken w/ gravy, Lipton rice, and cabbage

Monday: 4 mile jog, dumbell bench press 3 sets 10 reps, dumbell curls 5 sets 8 reps, dumbell triceps extensions 4 sets 8 reps, lat pull-down 3 sets 6 reps, 4 laps swimming
Tuesday: 2 mile walk, back squats 3 sets 8 reps, squat jumps 3 sets 20 reps, box step ups 3 sets, 10 reps (5 each leg), dumbell lunges 3 sets 10 reps(5 each leg), stretch
Wednesday: 100 push-ups, 150 crunches, 50 pull-ups, mountain climbers 3 sets 20 reps, stretch

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