Sunday, February 24, 2013

EAT: Effort. Attitude. Tempo.

Every week I give you guys workouts and diets, truth is I have no clue who reads these blogs and ignore them or how many people actually choose to take on the challenge I present. My goal and purpose of giving workouts and diets is not for my personal gain but to help others help themselves. No one can make you a better you that is a challenge that you have to take on with something to prove to yourself, because happiness and success is simply what you consider it to be. Accepting the challenge is the really big because that is the point when you actually accept that you are no longer happy with your weight and unhealthy habits, from that point on it's all about pushing through the pain because it wont be easy. Life is what you make it! This one life that we all are given is all about decisions which can make ultimately make the difference between winning and losing; success and failure. Workouts and diets not only help us to be healthier but they also increase our work ethic and self control, this can help at jobs in the future or anything that requires you to follow instructions with a goal to accomplish at the end. The main thing I want people that follow my blogs to remember, is never lose sight of your goals and aspirations, no matter what trials and tribulations your faced with; always finish better then you started.

Monday: Baked salmon, steamed brown rice, and mandarin oranges
Tuesday: Taco salad w/ Catalina and apple slices
Wednesday: steamed chicken w/ gravy, Lipton rice, and cabbage

Monday: 4 mile jog, dumbell bench press 3 sets 10 reps, dumbell curls 5 sets 8 reps, dumbell triceps extensions 4 sets 8 reps, lat pull-down 3 sets 6 reps, 4 laps swimming
Tuesday: 2 mile walk, back squats 3 sets 8 reps, squat jumps 3 sets 20 reps, box step ups 3 sets, 10 reps (5 each leg), dumbell lunges 3 sets 10 reps(5 each leg), stretch
Wednesday: 100 push-ups, 150 crunches, 50 pull-ups, mountain climbers 3 sets 20 reps, stretch

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Get It Done!

No complaints, No quiting, Just get it done! Not only with workouts and diets but in life all together because ultimately the joy comes when a task is finished and a goal is accomplished. “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” [Albert Einstein] This meaning things or people can make us happy sometimes but the ultimate measure of happiness comes from within, so to be happy is to become the person or do the things you desire to do in life. Working out and eating healthy will eventually become a lifestyle not a pain if it is seriously a goal set by yourself to develop a healthier you.

Thursday: Low fat meat loaf, mashed potatoes, corn, and dinner roll
Friday: Veggie Burger w/ wheat buns, and potato wedges
Saturday: Grilled chicken sandwiches w/ wheat bread, and salad of choice
Sunday: Baked chicken tortilla wraps

Thursday: 30 min. treadmill walk, dumbell front squats 5 sets 6 reps, Mountain climbers 3 sets 30 sec, wall sits 3 sets 1 min, stretch
Friday: 2 mile jog, 100 push-ups, 50 pull-ups, 100 crunches, 100 squat jumps, 100 air squats, stretch

Sunday, February 17, 2013

You Can't Do the Work or You Won't?

Have a good weekend? Hopefully you did and are now ready to WORK! I will not assign any workouts that are ridiculously hard because i want you guys to improve your health and shape but not die in the process, so prepare yourselves mentally and physically. It is so easy to settle and become complacent with how you are now, don't let work discourage you, work is your very best friend. Perseverance is KEY this is what separates you from everyone else that wants change but isn't determined to make a change. SEE IT THROUGH! See what you want, follow a plan, and finish. Do what you have to, to get what you want. Always Remember, "Excuses are useless. Results are priceless."

Monday: Baked shrimp w/ brown rice, green beans, dumplings
Tuesday: Grilled sliced turkey w/ low fat gravy, corn, dinner roll
Wednesday: grilled bacon ceasar salad

Monday: 2 mile run, box squats(light weight) 5 sets 5 reps, dumbell lunges 5 sets 8 reps each leg, 50 squat jumps, stretch
Tuesday: 4 mile walk, dumbell curls 3 sets 10 reps each arm, dumbell sholder press 3 sets 5 reps, bench press 3 sets 5 reps, 100 push-ups, stretch
Wednesday: 3 mile jog, 100 crunches, 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, stretch

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

PAIN is WEAKNESS Leaving the Body!

Workouts are the ultimate escape from the problems life present, I have no idea as to why that is but I promise it is! Find any reason or motivation to workout for you, even if  you have to make an excuse to workout it is allot better than making an excuse not to! Don't give up because your scared of embarrassing yourself or because you've tried and cant finish. Remember these powerful words from Stephen Richards; "The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down." So i encourage you to keep pushing because its OK to fail at times but never give up!
Thursday: Baked Turkey breast, baked chopped carrots, and 1 dinner roll
Friday: Grilled Filet fish, brown rice, and corn
Saturday: Grilled low-fat Turkey burgers w/ wheat buns, and baked beans
Sunday: baked chicken green leaf salad
Thursday: 25 min. Bicycle run, dumbell box step ups 3 sets 8 reps(in picture above), back squats 3 sets 8 reps, dumbell squat jumps 3 sets 8 reps, stretch.
Friday: 20 min. treadmill walk, dumbell bench press 5 sets 8 reps, lat. pull downs 3 sets 5 reps, dumbell curls 5 sets 10 reps.
Saturday: 30 min. run, pull-ups 3 sets 10 reps, 100 sit-ups, 100 chrunches, 100 push-ups, stretch

Sunday, February 10, 2013


That wasn't so bad was it? OK I admit this will take some getting used to but that is OK; take it on day at a time and before you know it this will become a lifestyle that you will ultimately enjoy the results of. Remember that the big picture is not to only lose weight, but to build a healthier you with much better eating and workout habits. It hurts trust me I know it will never be easy nothing in life is but that shouldn't give you reason to complain but only to work even harder. There is one quote that I think of most when the workouts become tough or I feel that I cant push anymore; "In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail." This simply reminds me that if I want to accomplish my goals i must give my all each and every time! I hope this helps you guys as much as it helps me.
For this week I know that your bodies are sore so the workouts will not involve any weights through Wednesday only sit-ups, crunches, push-ups, pull, ups, wall sits, squat jumps, dips, running, and stretching.
Monday: 15 minute treadmill jog, 3sets of 30 sec. wall sits, 100 crunches(sets of 25), full body stretch
Tuesday: Ice bath and stretch
Wednesday: 25 minute treadmill walk, 100 sit ups (sets of 25), 100 squat jumps(sets of 20), 100 push-ups(sets of 20)
Monday: Grilled Tilapia, string beans, mashed potatoes
Tuesday: Baked chicken breast(season of choice), corn on the cob, spinach, dinner roll
Wednesday: Grilled chicken Caesar salad w/ light dressing

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Keep Pushing!!!

I understand that this is not at all easy but that is what separates you from everyone that just says they want a better body instead of working for it. I told you before that to get what you want in life and to accomplish any goal you have set for yourself hard work is necessary. That means the exercises you do as well as the food you eat, which in some cases are more important than anything when losing weight. Just remember STAY FOCUSED! & work your butt off! YOU CAN DO IT, TRUST ME!
Below is the diet for the rest of the week and workouts through Friday.

Wednesday: baked salmon and a salad with light dressing
Thursday: roasted chicken breast, baked beans and wheat bread roll
Friday: taco salad with light Catalina dressing and sliced green apples
Saturday: veggie burgers with wheat buns and corn on the cob
Sunday: Fruit salad with meat of choice(baked, grilled, or roasted)

Wednesday: 10 minute treadmill run, back squats 4 sets 10 reps, box step-ups 4 sets 5 reps each leg, stretch
Thursday: 2 mile jog, dumbell bench press 3 sets 8 reps, push-ups 5 sets 20 reps, crunches 5 sets 20 reps
Friday: 20 minute treadmill run, dumbell lunges 3 sets 5 reps each leg, jump squats 3 sets 10 reps, wall sits 2 sets 45 seconds, stretch

Eat Right, Workout Right, & LOSE Right!

This post will consist of THREE things put together for the readers 100% dedicated to become a great LOSER! 1. Motivation. 2. Dinner meals through Wednesday. 3. Workouts through Wednesday. MOTIVATION is always important when trying to obtain a goal and for those students or random readers who decide to take on the challenge motivation will be key. It is very important that you understand that when you are really focused on becoming a LOSER that you are doing so for yourself and no one else this must be something you are completely passionate about! You can do whatever you put your mind to, so set your goals and accomplish them for a better you! BE A LOSER!

Monday: Grilled chicken lightly seasoned, green beans, wheat dinner roll, brown rice, and water
Tuesday: Pasta with light marinara sauce and water
Wednesday: Grilled Salmon, brown rice, corn, 1/2 banana, and water
  • 20 minute treadmill run
  • Lat pull downs (light weight, slow reps) 3 sets 8 reps
  • Bicep curls 3 sets 10 reps (each arm)
  • Tricep dips with body weight 3 sets 8 reps
  • 50 crunches
  • End with a stretch



I was always told,"Anything worth wanting is worth working incredibly hard for." I have learned that this very true, it is very easy to be lazy especially in college because there is sooooo much time to waste when your not an athlete. I will provide you with a workout in every post that is guaranteed to make you a LOSER fast! I guess in this case you must be a Loser to become a Winner.
Pay Attention

Day 1 Workout (women and men)
20 minute cardio (walking/running) treadmill
Crunches 3 sets/25 reps
Jump squats on air 3 sets/12 reps
Box step ups 3sets/ 10 reps
wall sits 4sets/ 30 seconds
full body stretch